About me

Taking "a little better" pictures of my kids , that was my only mission when I started a photography course back  in 2010. Nothing more, nothing less....     
But after getting grip on the more technical aspects, the passion for photography really started to grow. Along came the challenge of finding a style that suited me. Finding "my style". What was my style? How could I find it? 
That creative journey was hard and things didn't work out so easily ...until the moment I let go the expectations of others and their well-intentioned directions based on their preferences... 
So I began to create images for myself. I edited them in a way that didn't seem "right" based on some kind of conscious analyses, but in a way that felt right. The first series called "Perspective" was born. And to my own surprise, this was the first time I received another kind of feedback on my work: one with another dimension. These images that were made based upon intuition and gut feeling seemed to resonate more to other people than any other "correct" picture I had ever taken. This genuine, positive response showed me that my personal creative journey seemed to be a journey within myself: whenever I was able to create images truly based on my own feelings and my inner artistic voice, they seemed to "touch" others. 
On that path I want to continue. No mass production. No pre-defined recipe. Only that inner compass as a guide. 

Do my images resonate with you in one way or another?  Feel free to revisit my website from time to time to check for new content. Whenever time is right...

Leuven, Belgium, August 2021